Amazing! Orangutan Asks Girl For Help In Sign Language

Oct 15, 2013

AMAZING! Orangutan asks girl for help in sign language - TAKE ACTION TODAY TO STAND WITH THE LAST WILD ORANGUTANS.

Rainforests are being destroyed for palm oil and pushing the last wild orangutans to the brink of extinction. At Rainforest Action Network our goal is to collect 60,600 photo petitions - that's one person for each orangutan remaining in the wild. We'll deliver these photos to the Snack Food 20, the top snack food companies that are using this Conflict Palm Oil in our food.

RAN teamed up with Free Range Studios to produce this 2 minute video to launch The Last Stand of the Orangutan: The Power is in Your Palm - a new national campaign exposing the US snack food industry for putting Conflict Palm Oil into the food products we buy everyday.

After watching and taking action at, please share this video far and wide to help us achieve the greatest impact possible.

Palm oil is found in roughly half the products sold in grocery stores and its production is now one of the leading causes of rainforest destruction worldwide. It is the single biggest threat driving orangutans toward extinction and is responsible for widespread human rights violations including displacement of Indigenous Peoples, land conflicts with forest dependent communities, and forced and child labor.

On top of that, deforestation in Indonesia and Malaysia, where palm oil is grown, is pushing more carbon pollution into earth's atmosphere each year than all the cars, trucks, planes, trains and ships in the United States combined. In fact, due to deforestation, Indonesia has the third largest greenhouse gas emissions behind China and the United States.

But we can do something about it!

The most popular and influential snack food companies using Conflict Palm Oil, dubbed the "Snack Food 20" by RAN, control some of America's most well known household brands including Pepsi, Heinz, Hershey's, Kraft and Smuckers. They spend millions a year to instill brand loyalty and trust in their customers - us - and they really care what we think. It is crucial that these companies hear from you right now. Tell them that you will not stand for Conflict Palm Oil in your food. Together we can convince these brands to take action and change the destructive way Conflict Palm Oil is grown.

Learn much more, upload your photo, and join RAN's Palm Oil Action Team at


October's Orionid Meteors and Lunar Eclipse - Where to Look

Oct 8, 2013

October's Orionid Meteors and Lunar Eclipse - Where to Look | Video

The meteor shower (Halley's Comet remnants) peaks from October 20 to 23 and the penumbral Lunar eclipse occurs on Oct 18th. Find out how and where you can view them.


Eckhart Tolle on Loneliness

Sep 25, 2013

Eckhart Tolle on Loneliness

A fragment from The Journey Into Yourself

Eckhart, Tolle, on, Loneliness, The, Journey, Into, Yourself, yoga, zen, buddha, power, of, now, new, earth, meditation

7 Survival Life Hacks That Could Save Your Life.

Sep 20, 2013

7 Survival Life Hacks that could save your life.

Here are some AMAZING quick and simple life hacks in this survival edition. Enjoy!
Check out AUDIBLE!
1. Need some light in a pinch and a candle alone won't cut it? Grab a soda can and cut open the sides, fold them out and place the candle in. This will reflect your light and give you some decent protection from the elements.

2. If you ever find yourself without a clean water source grab a piece of cloth and 2 containers. Put the dirty water in one container and run the cloth from it to the empty glass. After a short while you will have filtered, muck free water. Remember to boil..

3. Need to get a cooking fire going with minimal effort? Grab an empty egg carton and place charcoal into the slots. Seal it up, light a corner and enjoy.

4. If the mosquitoes are getting bad you can repel them easily using common household herbs. Since you already have that little cooking fire going, sprinkle some basil or drop some rosemary on the coals. The bugs can't stand it and will stay far away.

5. How about a solar microwave? Grab a small food box and cut out a fold. Wrap the top in aluminum foil and line the inner box with it as well. Place your food inside and give it some time. You now have a solar charged grilled cheese sandwich.

6. Need to find the right direction home? Get a small sliver of metal such as a needle and rub it against your clothing several times. Place the needle on a leaf and float it in some water. The needle will point you North.

7. And finally, the emergency oil lamp. Grab some old cloth and bundle it up. Take a soda can and fill it about half way with olive oil. Place the cloth into the can and light. You have yourself a makeshift oil lamp that will last hours.


Help Kickstart World War III!

Sep 11, 2013

Help Kickstart World War III!

President Obama needs your help starting World War III! Find out how you can help!

Written by John Loos
Staring Brianna Baker, Neal Dandade, Greg Ott and Niccole Thurman.
Directed and Produced by Jeph Porter | Sound Jason Culver | Production Coordinator Joel Labahn | Hair/Makeup Chloe Hector

(c)2013 The Second City Inc.


Robot Astronaut Speaks First Words In Outer Space

Sep 9, 2013

Robot Astronaut Speaks First Words in Outer Space

Watch Kirobo make history as it becomes the first robot to speak in outer space on Aug. 21, 2013. Toyota Motor Corporation provided the voice-recognition software for Kirobo, one of two humanoid robots developed under the Kibo Robot Project, a collaborative research effort.

Robot (Toy Type), kirobo, Space, Astronaut (Profession), Toyota Motor Corporation (Business Operation), toyota, space, voice, words, first, recognition

NSA Able To Bypass Basic Internet Privacy Safeguards

NSA able to bypass basic Internet privacy safeguards

One of the only ways to communicate securely and privately online was thought to be through encrypted technology. But the government has been able to crack encryption codes online since 2000, according to the latest secret documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. The documents go on to say the government made a breakthrough in 2010 when it found a way to monitor large amounts of data sent through fiber optic cables, and data sent through virtual private networks, used to conceal IP addresses. RT's Ameera David has more information on how you can protect your private messages from the prying eyes of the government.


The Eye Tribe Tracker - The World's First Affordable Eye Tracker

Sep 5, 2013

The Eye Tribe Tracker - The world's first affordable eye tracker

Introducing The Eye Tribe Tracker, the first truly affordable eye tracker that precisely determines the on-screen gaze position.

The Eye Tribe Tracker comes with a software development kit (SDK) that allows you to integrate our eye tracking technology into applications and games.


Captain Kirk watches Miley Cyrus performance

Sep 4, 2013

Captain Kirk watches Miley Cyrus performance

Original "USS Enterprise reacts to MTV's Video Music Awards."


Unprecedented 'Black Budget' Leak Reveals The Scope Of $52 Billion US Spy Complex

Aug 29, 2013
Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden has leaked documents that map out a $52.6 billion budget for the NSA, CIA, and other security agencies in unprecedented detail. The Washington Post, which reviewed the documents, describes a detailed list of objectives, failures, technologies, recruiting, and other information; the apparently 178-page summary itself has not been published. An interactive chart of some of the data, however, accompanies the piece. The Post reveals that CIA and NSA budgets have increased by over 50 percent each since 2004, with the CIA reaching $14.7 billion in 2013. more

Researchers Modify Handsets To Block Others' Calls And Sms Messages

Aug 27, 2013
Researchers modify handsets to block others' calls and SMS messages Security researchers from the Technical University of Berlin have discovered a new way to block both phone calls and SMS messages with just a few software modifications to their own mobile device. According to the MIT Technology Review, the exploit works by embedding custom firmware in the baseband processor -- more

Scientists shut down reproductive ability, desire in pest insects Kansas State University entomologists have helped identify a neuropeptide named natalisin that regulates the sexual activity and reproductive ability of more

Foldable micro electric car, Armadillo-T, unveiled Looking for a parking space for hours at a busy shopping mall or being stuck on roads jammed with cars releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide are all-too-familiar scenes for city dwellers. A group of researchers in South Korea recently developed a possible solution to such problems: a foldable, compact electric vehicle that can be utilized either as a personal car or part of the public transit system to connect major transportation routes within a more

Quantum Computers Animated

Aug 25, 2013

Quantum Computers Animated

Theoretical Physicists John Preskill and Spiros Michalakis describe how things are different in the Quantum World and how that can lead to powerful Quantum Computers.


Browse The Web Privately & Anonymously With Hotspot Shield VPN

Aug 21, 2013
By using VPN technology to encrypt all traffic….Hotspot Shield protects all digital communication including browsing, e-mail, text messaging, and communication by apps. Unblock any websites – unblock YouTube, unblock Facebook, and others such as Hulu, Netflix and BBC where it is blocked. read more

New proxy list to help surf blocked websites, circumvent web censorship, mask your IP address and protect your online privacy.

Foldable Micro All-Electric Car, "Armadillo-T"

Foldable Micro All-Electric Car, "Armadillo-T"

In-Soo Suh, associate professor of the Graduate School for Green Transportation at KAIST, and his research team developed a foldable, compact electric vehicle that can be utilized either as a personal car or part of the public transit system to connect major transportation routes within a city.


Abraham Hicks - Are Humans Both Particle And Wave

Aug 20, 2013

Abraham Hicks - July 2013 - Are humans both particle and wave

Subscribe to my channel for the latest from the Abraham World.

Thanks to Abraham and Esther Hicks for bringing these wonderful teachings to us. For more information on Abraham, Esther & Jerry Hicks please go to their website:


Facebook Makes People Unhappy, Study Finds

Aug 17, 2013
Facebook Makes People Unhappy, Study Finds
Did you know that Facebook makes you miserable? If you didn't, you must be one of the lucky ones. According to a new study, Facebook usage tends to make people less happy. It's not just that unhappy people use Facebook more, the site itself is causing the unhappiness, the study seems to suggest. The researchers looked at a sample of young adults and asked them at various intervals how they were feeling and whether they had used Facebook or other means of communication in the time...

Watch: Baby Panda Is Reunited with Her Mom
Yuan Tsai, a baby panda born at Taipei Zoo, has finally been reunited with her mom. Check out the video above to see how the reunion went. As previously reported, this baby panda was separated from her mom shortly after birth. She was first kept in an incubator, and later on in a nursery. Staff at Taipei Zoo in Taiwan say they decided to hand raise the giant panda cub because they feared her mother would not be able to properly look after her.

Torrex Is a Full-Featured Windows 8 BitTorrent Client Available for Free
The number of BitTorrent clients available on Windows 8 is continuously increasing, so users are now provided with several choices working on both desktops and tablets. Torrex is one of the newest apps that reached the Store, promising to run in the background and take care of the downloading process without hampering system performance. Torrex is the only modern BitTorrent client with ability to work in background, stream video and audio playback.

More Than 28 Cups Of Coffee A Week May Endanger Health In Under 55s

Aug 16, 2013
More than 28 cups of coffee a week may endanger health in under 55s
Drinking large amounts of coffee may be bad for under 55 year olds. A study of more than 40,000 individuals found a statistically significant 21 percent increased mortality in those drinking more than 28 cups of coffee a week and death from all causes, with a greater than 50 percent increased mortality risk in both men and women younger than 55 years of age. Investigators warn that younger people in particular may need to avoid heavy coffee consumption.

Editorial Is a Plain Text Editor for iPad with Powerful Automation Tools
For those of you who need a simple word processor on the iPad with just the necessary formatting and cloud options, omz:software is pleased to present Editorial. An iPad-only productivity tool, Editorial is a plain text editor with powerful automation tools and a nifty inline preview for writing Markdown. Users can combine the exact text processing actions they need and include them into their customized workflows, "all in an intuitive drag'n'drop interface that...

Mercedes Already Working on Google Glass Integration
Google's strategy of testing Google Glass with some developers, early adopters and celebrities is paying off in many ways. On the one hand, it keeps the device in the spotlight, on the other, it ensures that problems and bugs are ironed out well ahead of the mainstream launch. What's more, it also means that more and more developers are finding interesting ways of using Glass. The latest such developer is Mercedes which is experimenting with integrating Glass with its...

Bashar - Now What To Do With My Life, Excitement

Aug 15, 2013

Bashar - Now what to do with my life, Excitement

exciting !


Abraham Hicks - Your Vision Board Doesn't Match Your Belief Board

Abraham Hicks ~ Your Vision Board doesn't match your Belief Board

The belief board has to come before the vision board, because if you don't believe it then it is a slower manifestation.

Free ebook: "If thoughts create...then how do people attract negative events they have never thought about?" available at

For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit

For a discussion on the law of attraction and/or assistance in putting the teachings of Abraham to work in your life please visit


Amazing Way to Test Batteries!

Aug 14, 2013

Amazing Way to Test Batteries!

Here is a simple and amazing way to test any alkaline battery without tools! Works in seconds! Subscribe

Can Dogs Feel Our Emotions? Yawn Study Suggests Yes

Sony's 'lens camera' gets outed in high-res photos, coming next month
Last month we entertained rumors of a smartphone accessory from Sony that's best described as a "lens camera." The device would attach to the back of your phone and transform the handset into a true digital camera. A crude, low-resolution rendering and a general description was all we had to...

Samsung shows off Origami printer made from cardboard
In their latest bout of innovation, Samsung has decided to tackle the design of the home-office printer. With an aim of simplifying the manufacturing process and lowering costs for consumers, Samsung has unveiled a range of unusual printer designs, the most interesting of which is perhaps the Origami.

Can Dogs Feel Our Emotions? Yawn Study Suggests Yes
Pet dogs yawn more in response to their owners' yawns than to strangers'—suggesting they can understand our emotions, a new study says.